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About Dialog Video Marketing

We got an email in the fall of 2023: "Hey, can you do remote video production for our our clients?"

Up to that point, we'd only ever done onsite shoots to help companies attract talent.

But we figured out the tools we needed. We scheduled the session. We interviewed the client.

And it worked!

That's how our Guided Video Sessions™ were born.

Justin Vajko
Justin giving coaching to a client during a recording session.

Dialog Video Marketing is a video content agency that enables business leaders to create videos for social media.

We take care of all aspects of video production remotely: from scheduling to concept creation to shooting and editing.

All you need to do is show up for the interview!

Dialog was founded by Justin Vajko. We also do recruitment marketing for companies who want to hire better quality candidates.

About Justin

Justin's been in marketing since he was a kid when his mom asked him to design the invitations to her tea party. That was the gateway drug.

In middle school, he dabbled in logo design with his friends. 

In high school, his art teacher said “You should try a career in graphic design.” So he went to the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire where he got a BA in graphic design. 

He went to work full time growing a non-profit with new marketing methods, in many cases doubling their income from various events or campaigns. Then he moved to a B2B manufacturer, where his award-winning work enabled them to grow from $70M to $90M ARR. Realizing he was an entrepreneur, he made the leap to business ownership in 2018. 

Today he helps executive coaches and solopreneurs attract ideal clients with click-worthy
videos for social media.

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Video marketing agency
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